Minggu, 05 Agustus 2018


NPM        :  23215638
KELAS    :  3EB20


Type 1 : If that happens, then U.S. drilling will increase, supply will climb and, eventually, oil prices will plummet.
Translation : Jika itu terjadi, maka pengeboran AS akan meningkat, pasokan akan naik dan, akhirnya, harga minyak akan menurun.

Type 2 : If you look at the past three years, the Greek economy didn’t recovered, jobs weren’t created
Translation : Jika Anda melihat tiga tahun terakhir, ekonomi Yunani tidak pulih, pekerjaan tidak diciptakan
Fact :  The Greek economy recover.

Type 3 : If the new tax law hadn't gone into effect, the percent would have been closer to 43%.
Translation : Jika undang-undang pajak baru belum diberlakukan, persentasenya akan mendekati 43%.
Fact : The new tax went into effect.
Translation : Pajak baru mulai berlaku.

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